Sunday, December 20, 2009

For we procrastinators

I'm still not done with my shopping and crafting of presents.

This isn't good. This is very bad. Sure, it looks at first like I've got 5 days left, but Solstice is tomorrow. So I am doing the equivilent of shopping on Christmas Eve.

My son wants a "zipper mouth mask." He's almost 9. I have no idea where he saw this idea, but he's been on about it for a month straight, and well... I just haven't gotten around to it. I keep trying to figure it out-- maybe two ovals made from stretchy material with a band inbetween? Maybe hack apart a ski mask? Where the hell are my zippers?

I'm lucky in that the Solstice gifts are few-- just my husband, son, daughter and stepson. I have other things to make, but have another few days to put them off before getting frenzied again.

Here's a very last-minute list of how-tos for gift giving, provided by Sew Mama Sew! It's even organized by type. So handy, it's even in the sidebar over there ----->

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